Manatee, Hardee, Desoto and North Sarasota Counties

President Elect/VP
Nancy Peterhansen, CMA (AAMA)
Amy Lynn Bandy, RMA
Debra Jean Morales, CMA (AAMA)
It is with great pleasure we announce the Revitalization of the Mid Gulf Coast Chapter. We have dedicated Service Leaders who have stepped up to make this happen. The pandemic directly and indirectly impacted our chapter going dormant for some time. We understand substantial need for this chapter and the value that it brings to our members, fellow credentialed medical assistants and the community we serve. With that being said, we are working on a hybrid model to offer a combination of in person and zoom meetings. We will encourage relationships with local colleges to host the in-person meetings. We can not execute this mission without the dedication of our FSMA members. Let’s knock this out of the park for a home run together and celebrate the success as a Team. Lastly, we hope all of you impacted by Hurricane Ian are safe and recovering from any direct impacts you may have experienced. It was our intention to have a meeting in October but needed to be delayed due to the Hurricane impacts to our region. Stay tuned as we move forward to update our website and work towards a CEU meeting as soon as November 2022.