FSMA Winter Seminar and Executive Council Meeting


Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025
*REGISTRATION CLOSES: Friday, January 31, 2025*
Start Time: 7:30am EST
End Time: 3:00pm EST
Guest Speakers:
1. Lisa Sailor, MS, CMA (AAMA)
2. Paul Berman, MD
1. The Do’s and Don’ts of a Professional Resume
2. Current Topics in Pediatric Medicine
Type of Meeting: Zoom Meeting
Cost: FREE to all Florida Society Members
# of CEUs: 4.0 (pending approval)

FSMA Executive Council Meeting to follow–ALL FSMA MEMBERS are welcome and encouraged to attend.

IMPORTANT: Once you pay, you’ll de directed to your Order Details page that has the link for you to Register for the Winter Seminar. You should also have this link to register in your emailed purchase receipt.

Category: SKU: 02-01-2025_WInter_Seminar

Additional information

Winter Seminar Cost

$20 for non-FSMA members